Phlox Paniculata Uspekh
I think that is a much more suitable name for this plant. It has the typical green lance-shaped phlox leaves and scented purple flowers with a white star at the centre during mid to late summer.
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The tall stems make superb cut flowers that will fragrance bouquets with their rich heady scent.

Phlox paniculata uspekh. Promising varieties of phlox paniculata for greening cities and towns of Western Siberia 2018 Melnikova MN. Paniculata Uspekh AGM synonym Laura was bred by P. As do the Royal Horticultural Society as they have gave it.
A felálló szárak végén hozza a kisebb ötszirmú virágokból álló tömött bugavirágzatokat. Flower of Phlox Paniculata Uspekh. Trsy se rozšiřují krátkými oddenky ze kterých vyrůstá několik vzpřímených částečně dřevnatějících stonků dosahujících v.
Phlox paniculata Glamis flowers. Phlox paniculata Uspekh Uspekh is a herbaceous perennial growing up to 1m high. Final Report for Trial No.
Phlox paniculata Peacock Cherry Red Peacock Cherry Red is a tidy disease-resistant variety that shows off hot pink flowers in mid- and late summer. A Phlox paniculata Uspekh bugás lángvirág virágai illatosak sötét-rózsaszínűek krémszínű középpel. 60-70 cm magas szemet gyönyörködtető lágyszárú évelő.
White Phlox - Phlox paniculata - Flameflower is a classic farm garden perennial. Phlox paniculata Miss Ellie. Bondarenko NA Omsk State.
A code for horticultural classification is given in parentheses please refer to Classification of genera. 39 101 Flowers. Phlox paniculata U Ugryum-reka OKudryavtseva Russia 2010 45.
Of all the phloxes I have grown this is one of the most scented. Bugavirágzatba tömörült illatos virágai július-augusztusban nyílnak. Phlox paniculata Peacock Cherry Red Peacock Series AGM.
Bertram Symons-Jeune of Windsor began serious efforts to produce modern varieties for British gardens and many of their cultivars are still available today. This magnificent perennial produces panicles of lilac purple flowers with starry white centres all summer long. Once known as Laura I believe Uspekh translates as Smash Hit or Success in Russian.
Phlox paniculata Uspekh has pink flowers with white centres. Also known as Laura. List of Trial Plants.
Phlox paniculata je domácí trvalkou Severní Ameriky kde roste na mýtinách v řídkých lesích či křovinách podél potoků na stráních často na vápencovém podloží. I thought this would grow to 90cm but it only reaches 75cm in our garden. Flowers of garden phlox.
All prices valid before 1 November 2021. Phlox paniculata Peacock Lilac Peacock Series. 1891 Phlox 2011-2013 5 Phlox paniculata Uspekh AGM H7 2013 Trial No.
It grows 24 inches tall and wide. Full of flower and a lot of bud Sent by Alan Blooms Garden and The Plantsmans Preference Phlox paniculata Nora Leigh AGM H7 2013 Trial No. Phlox maculata Natascha AGM.
Phlox paniculata Uspekh 80cm tall stems topped with a billowing head of purple-mauve flowers each with a bright white eye and a strong honey scent. The high point of phlox breeding in this country occurred after WW II when a local grower from Otley Fred Simpson and Capt. Description Phlox paniculata Laura is a particularly fine variety with a long flowering period and good resistance to mildew.
Family Polemoniaceae Genus Phlox may be evergreen or herbaceous mat-forming or erect perennials or shrubs with simple leaves and salver-shaped flowers in terminal clusters Details a herbaceous perennial up to 11m high with green lance-shaped leaves and scented violet-coloured flowers with a starry white eye in mid and late summer. PGaganov Russia 1937 40-42. Monarch Danaus plexippus butterflies on garden phlox Phlox paniculata flowers summer North America.
Perennial phlox Uspekh Uspekh _ Uspekh is an upright clump-forming herbaceous perennial with broadly lance-shaped dark green leaves and in summer large upright panicles of fragrant pink or purple-pink flowers with wide white centres. Phlox paniculata Uspekh Phlox This has clusters of rosy purple flowers with large white centres. Phlox maculata Alpha AGM.
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